Think for a solution, then act

I was just reminded of a true story told to me years ago. I do not recall the source, but I have never forgotten the story. I tell it to every student diver I teach as a reminder of how we need to ‘act’ when underwater. Feel free to use it as an example with your students.
Here’s the story:
An astronaut was asked the following question:
“If you were locked outside your capsule with 10 seconds of air remaining, What Would You Do?”
The astronauts answer:
“Think for a solution in the first 9 seconds, then act“
When underwater and faced with a challenge, where it be water up the nose, a regulator knocked out from your mouth, inhaling nothing but water, taking your next breath to find out there is NO air, etc…
“Think for a solution, then act“
Anything in between, other than identifying the cause and the corrective action is a waste of time. …

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